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Using PIP

PyPI version


Python3 must be installed. kuttyPy package will install other dependencies such as PyQt5, qtconsole, numpy, scipy, pyqtgraph etc. Open the cmd terminal as administrator, and run the following command. This fetches KuttyPy and all required dependencies.

py -3 -m pip install kuttyPy

In order to launch the kuttypy interface


In order to launch the kuttypy IDE



run as superuser in order to install the kuttypy library, and application entry point in /usr/bin/

sudo pip3 install kuttyPy

setting permissions

Accessing the hardware on linux requires certain permissions to be set. Due to an apparent bug with pip3, the install script may fail to do this.

As a workaround, you can run the program as root to verify the permissions issue

sudo kuttypy
For a more permanent fix for regular users, please download and execute this post installation script

chmod +x
sudo ./

If this is too hard, please install the deb file linked in the following section

On Ubuntu:

Installing from source

  • sudo apt-get install python3-serial python3-pyqt5 python3-pyqt5.qtsvg gcc-avr avr-libc python3-qtconsole python3-scipy python3-pyqtgraph
  • git clone
  • cd kuttypy-gui
  • python3

Installing from the deb file

  • download the latest deb
  • use gdebi to install it.

Installing from the Ubuntu repository

Ubuntu package

  • sudo apt install kuttypy

not up to date

this version may not be up to date because this is very recent work, and several changes were made over the past few months

Installing on windows.

  • The best option is to use pip as shown in the first section.
  • This code can be run from source, provided python3 and pyqt5 are installed.
  • Download Bundled Installer


This was prepared with PyInstaller, so Python will not be installed into the path. But you can run code in the built-in ipython-qtconsole. A better option would be to use pip to fetch PyQT5, qtconsole, pyserial, pyqtgraph, scipy and run from source code.

License: MIT