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built-in stepper motor sequence generator

Stepper motors move by taking precise steps. This means that the controller can move to a defined position, and back to the starting position without errors. Motors can have large step sizes (20 steps per revolution), or very small (600/rev)

The kuttypy GUI can generate a full step sequence for controlling 4 wire stepper motors via PB0-PB3 pins. Since the current driving capability of the ATMEGA32 is somewhat limited, it is advisable to use a push-pull driver IC such as the L293D with larger motors.



  • Launch the window from the menu on the bottom right side of the screen
  • Connect 4 wire, 2 phase stepper motor’s A+,B+,A-,B- to PB0, PB1, PB2, PB3
  • use the left and right arrow buttons to take single steps
  • home button to return to original position
  • the numeric entry field to move to a different position

Video of the stepping sequence

LEDs are connected to PB0-PB3 to show the stepping signal outputs


  • Move a light sensor (TSL2561) along a diffraction pattern, and record the intensity profile
  • Rotate the analyzer in a Malus’s law experiment, and record the intensity variation which corresponds to IoCos^2(Theta)$